October 5, 1886 Tuesday

October 5 Tuesday – In New York, again at the Murray Hill Hotel, Sam wrote to Charles Webster, just returning (or about to return) from his trip to Europe.

Welcome home to you & Annie! I left the messages with Mr. Hall which concern business & are not serious enough to wait & say to you, so I take Livy home to-day. There was nothing important except that I hope you can go at once to Washington. It was my purpose to run down there & beg the General to put nothing in the magazines (which is a great injury to a book)…[MTP].

Note Webster’s writes “The General was probably Sheridan” [MTBus 366]. It may also have been General Samuel Wylie Crawford, since Webster & Co. Published his Genesis of the Civil War in 1887. Since Sam and Livy did not stay in New York long enough to personally welcome the Websters, it may be that they did not arrive until late that day or the following day. The Clemenses returned to Hartford either this evening or the next morning.

Sam’s notebook: Tues, Oct 5, 1.30 PM / Dr Farrar J.N. 1271 B’way [MTNJ 3: 259] Note: this was the orthodontist who was straightening Clara Clemens’ teeth.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.