October 8, 1886 Friday

October 8 Friday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Edward H. House. He planned on going to New York City with Livy on Tuesday, Oct. 12. He enclosed an invitation of some sort for Mr. McCarthy, as he didn’t know the man’s address, and asked House to get it to him.

Mrs. Clemens has walked over my prejudices in her usual roughshod fashion, & requires me to invite Mr. McCarthy. All right, I am but a private in this regiment; my office is to obey; & I do it [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Kate Staples, responding to her inquiries about his books and magazine articles.

Yes, the truth is, my books are simply autobiographies. I do not know that there is an incident in them which sets itself forth as having occurred in my personal experience which did not so occur [MTP]. Note: Staples is not further identified. Also, it’s well understood among Twain scholars that Sam’s memory might offer several versions of past occurrences.

Francis Wayland, Dean at Yale Law School wrote acknowledging Sam’s gift of $75 for “our colored ‘friend brother’” (Warner T. McGuinn) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.