October 19, 1886 Tuesday

October 19 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to William Dean Howells to introduce Miss Dora Wheeler, artist and daughter of family friend Candace Wheeler, decorator for Tiffany & Co. Dora wished to paint Howells’ portrait. Sam used his usual imperative with Howells:

She wants you to sit to her for a picture; & you will do it, & both of you will enjoy the operation; & if I might, I would dearly like to be there & partake [MTP].

Sam also wrote to his mother-in-law, Olivia Lewis Langdon, who was coming to Hartford for the winter.

Now, mother dear, we shall be ready for you any day after this week, & the sooner the satisfactorier. Livy has got a new boiler in, & it’s a great geyser-of-Yellowstone for liberality in the way of hot water. You can have hot water always, now, & all you want. Livy is hacking away at the house…Livy is now getting 25 hours’ work into the day, & if she could squeeze in another ¼-hour she would write you herself [MTP]. Note: Sam remarked they’d seen “Julie” and were charmed with her in her new circumstances, which probably refers to fifteen-year-old Julia Langdon, daughter of Charles J. Langdon. In Sam’s notebook, an entry to send Julia a gift of books [MTNJ 3:242n58].

Sam also replied to Dora Wheeler’s request of Oct. 16. She wanted Sam to help her gain a sitting for a portrait of William Dean Howells. Sam agreed but wanted her to come to Hartford first.

We are in a state of chaos just now, but near the middle of November we shall be straight again…I enclose a note to Howells, in which I have tried to follow your instructions; but if I have botched it, tell me & I’ll try again — & still again, till I get right [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.