October 23, 1886 Saturday 

October 23 Saturday – In Hartford Sam wrote a one-liner to Sarah Knowles Bolton (1841-1916), American writer and associate editor of the Boston “Congregationalist” (1878-81), saying that he was “called away from town ten days,” but he would be happy to see her on his return [MTP]. Bolton was working on Famous American Authors (1887), and wanted biographical information on Sam. Sam’s note is obviously a response to a letter from Bolton, not extant, which may have requested information and permission to publish it. Note: See Sam to Bolton Nov. 13; he agreed to her desire to include a section on Mark Twain if he could “see a proof first.” (Sam was actually gone only six days.) In July, 1887, Bolton wrote Sam for “Bolton’s Realistic Travels.”

Probably on this day or the next, Sam traveled from Hartford to Washington, D.C. He needed to meet with General Sheridan about his forthcoming book.

The Los Angeles Times, page 1, ran a 38-word squib, “Mark Twain’s Latest Joke” [Latimes.com].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.