September 8, 1890 Monday

September 8 Monday – Sam traveled to Hartford in order to sign the contract with John P. Jones. He wrote Joe Goodman.

Dear Joe: I am here 24 hours to sign the written contract — which has been done. From it has been weeded out everything suggested by Jones. Apparently he wants Paige to retain the ¼ gross proceeds, & all other shares just as they stand — has his reasons for wanting these things so.

Jones doesn’t need to sign the added paper unless he wants to — & not until he gets ready, anyway. The papers go to him to-day.

Sam conveyed that Jones’ main concern was a reduction of the total capital required of him;

Sam wrote that though the amount had been reduced by half, it was not unsafe to the enterprise [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Senator John P. Jones, sending the new contract, modified with Jones’ wishes. Sam pointed out the capital required was reduced by half to $950,000. Sam wrote he would send details of the machine’s “supremacy in its line” in a few days.

I return to “Onteora Club,” Tannersville N.Y., to-morrow. If at any time you want me to come & do anything, or prove anything, or covert anybody, Mr. Davis can fetch me by telegram or letter.

After his signature Sam wrote about his claim that the machine could set and distribute 8,000 ems an hour; the price of $12,000 had been based on a 5,000-em machine, which should be honored for first orders but that after the business was established should be raised “to about $18,000” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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