February 5, 1892 Friday

February 5 Friday – At the Hotel Royal in Berlin and still down in bed, Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall. The doctor had ordered Sam to leave for the south of France as soon as he was able. Sam put his new address at the top of the letter, his Paris banker. He’d received a sample Mark Twain’s Memory Builder from Hall, and pointed out the flaws in the boards.

It will not be well to send any of these boards out — they will come back to you, sure.

I am expecting to be allowed to sit up a little while to-day. We shall see, when the doctor comes.

I am ordered to a warm climate as soon as I can travel. Hence my address is changed back to the Paris banker as above. Yrs sincerely / SLC [MTLTP 306].

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam reporting he deposited Livy’s money with Halsey, but had deposited a $1,281 royalty check and a McClure payment in the Mount Morris Bank in Sam’s personal account, making Sam’s balance $6,781.99 [MTLTP 303n2]. Sam wrote on the envelope, “$6,000 to my personal credit in Mt. Morris, Feb ’92. Is it still there?” [MTP].

Arthur Cassot for Manhattan Press Clipping Bureau wrote offering Sam the benefits of their service and a card of rates, application for subscription. [MTP].

The Students of the University of New Brunswick, Canada sent a invitation to “a Converserione and Promenade Concert” for Thursday, Feb. 11 at 8 p.m. [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.