April 20, 1892 Wednesday

April 20 Wednesday – In Rome Sam sent a cable to Webster & Co.:

Close with Arnold if you like [MTP; also NB 31 TS 37].

Note: this relates to Alfred Arnold’s desire to acquire dramatization rights for AC. See Apr. 4 entry. Evidently, negotiations had concluded favorably.

Susy wrote to Louise Brownell on or about this day:

We rather expect to leave here for Florence Friday. Mamma has been ill again for a few days and Rome is too exciting for her by far. Yesterday we made an expedition to Frascati with the Vedders and rode to [?] on donkeys….A few days back we went to Miss Hosmer’s studio and saw her last statue, “The Mermaid’s Cradle,” which is still in the soft grey clay [Cotton 101143-4; MTP]. Note: The family did not leave for Florence until Apr. 29.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.