May 9, 1892 Monday

May 9 MondayFrederick J. Hall wrote to Sam (letter not extant) [May 22 to Hall].

Sam’s notebooks:

May 9. ’92 Luncheon to-day with Lady Fitzmaurice & her mother. Present, Sir James Lachalte (can’t spell the name,) the Comtessa —- (name gone from me), the young Lord Granville & a charming Miss Granville — not related. Talk was general. … [NB 32 TS 6].

May 9/92

In Rome two weeks ago, Young Corbett told me of his adventure in the Campagna with his friend Martin when two terrific dogs came for them & their peasant guide put up a prayer to the Virgin & she vouchsafed a miracle wh saved them — certainly the most peculiar miracle ever heard of — but it won’t bear print [NB 31 TS 41]. Note: See Apr. 25 to Twichell for this full “dog” story.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.