May 10, 1892 Tuesday

May 10 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook in Florence:

May 10. Luncheon at Marchesa [Spinola]. Present, Admiral Page (80 & blind, a lovely old gentleman), Mrs. Page, Miss Page, Mr. Gilbert (an ass), the Marchesa, Mrs. Clemens & Sir George Bowen. This last has made a great name for himself as an able executive by thirty years service as governor in Australia, Hong Kong, the Mauritius, &c & has now been in retirement in London some years. 

I wish I could tie him & Vedder & Trumbull together & let them talk each other to death. When Bowen’s tongue is not clacking its loved music into his ear he sits flabby & interestless. He does not listen when other people have the floor. As for interrupting, he would interrupt God. He crowds down other people, gets himself going, then pours out personal vanities along with a string of anecdotes so old that they stink [NB 32 TS 9]. Sir George F. Bowen (1821-1899).

W.M. English, manufacturer of doors & blinds in Buffalo, N.Y. wrote soliciting investment in the Security Storage and Loan Co. A prospectus had been sent under separate cover [MTP].

Fred D. Mussey for National Capitol Press Club in Washington, D.C. sent an invitation to Sam to attend “entertainment on the evening of May 28th” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.