May 17, 1892 Tuesday

May 17 Tuesday – In Venice, Italy Sam wrote to Augustin Daly, enclosing a play he’d had read to him in Rome, written by Julian Corbett. It sounded good to Sam but he admitted knowing nothing about how it would play. If Daly liked it he might write to Corbett at the village of Thames Ditton, Surrey, England. Otherwise, Frederick J. Hall would ship it back to Corbett [MTP]. Note: Sir Julian Safford Corbett (1854-1923) would write several history tomes, including the official British naval history at the beginning of WWI.

Sam’s notebook in Venice:

Tuesday evening, at Mrs. Bronson’s. Price (forget his name), & the young Countess Moncenigo, descended from 8 Doges [NB 31 TS 46]. Note: Mrs. Arthur Bronson [TS 60].

Mrs. Henry J. Ross wrote to Sam that she’d hired a man-servant for the Clemenses at 45 francs per month plus food, lodging and wine. She also had wood for them and also a charwoman [NB 31 TS 48]. Note: letter not extant.

Paine writes, “William Gedney Bunce, the Hartford artist, was in Venice, and Sarah Orne Jewett and other home friends” [MTB 946]. (Editorial emphasis.) See Mar. 22 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.