June 6, 1892 Monday

June 6 Monday – Sam’s notebook from Frankfurt, Germany:

Frankfurt a.m. June 6. / At Schwan hotel 2 days [NB 31 TS 50]. Note: Sam also listed tips he gave to the room-waiter, Portier, Chambermaid, “Boots (each)”, Elevator boy of 2 marks each except 1 mark for the elevator boy, and that “(Couldn’t find restaurant waiter.) / Everybody perfectly satisfied”.

The Clemenses left Frankfurt; Sam listed concerns in his notebook:

Left for Bad Nauheim at 12.37, after missing 1.05 train (express) through Joseph’s misinformation. / from here, 9 arr at Munich 2 stunden; Frankfurt, 8 from here Snellzug 2 hour in Frankft — 8 pm Munich. / Ask at Sommerhof’s for a physician. 12M. & 5 M.[arks] / Also what is his fee? / Shave. Cigars / Inquire about Clara’s ticket. / Shoes. Knife. / Can L. use my letter of credit? / About my date & train to Bremen / Tobacco. / No. 43. Night of 8th. Berlin to B Nauheim [NB 31 TS 51-2].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.