June 22, 1892 Wednesday

June 22 Wednesday – Sam arrived in New York City [MTLTP 311n1]. Sometime during his two stops in New York, either now or the first few days of July, Sam met with Mary Mapes Dodge, editor of St. Nicholas, a magazine for children. She offered Sam $5,000 for the serial rights to a 50,000 word story for boys. Sam wrote back and declined the offer (he was formulating Tom Sawyer Abroad), but he didn’t feel the amount was enough [Aug. 10 to Hall].

James B. Pond wrote from Jersey City to Sam, addressing it to Hartford. “Welcome back to this country — the great & only E. Pluribus Unum. I hope you are fully restored to health, & that you want a new life on the road….If you feel like it I am ready.” Pond then told of several who had lost money lecturing in California — Cable, and [Henry Guy] Carleton among them. Max O’Rell made $13,000; Matthew Arnold was “a great success”; Kennan, J. Hopkinson Smith, and Nelson Page were “all in the lead” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.