July 18, 1892 Monday

July 18 Monday – In Bad Nauheim (which, according to Clara in My Father Mark Twain, p.113 Sam called “Bath No-Harm”) Sam wrote to Sarah A. Trumbull (Mrs. James Hammond Trumbull), mother of Annie E. Trumbull.

I wish to thank you for your most kind note. It reached me just as I was starting for the ship [on July 5], & so my acknowledgment was delayed until now. But you didn’t need to explain — I knew I should have been admitted if you had known it was I; but I am grateful, all the same, that you were sorry I failed to get in [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Annie E. Trumbull regretting that he was unable to see her before leaving for Europe. His note to her clarifies that Annie was the object of his visit and that somehow he was told that he could not see Annie. Perhaps she was napping.

It was too bad! If I had foreseen that I was not going to have an opportunity to call again, I would have marched into the house in spite of the prohibition; I excused you from seeing me only because I supposed I was going to have a chance to run in the next day. Many is the time I have regretted, since, that I didn’t make sure of you while I had the opportunity. I will not run that sort of risk again…I also failed to see Dr. Root & Archie Welch. I came away pretty thoroughly disgusted with my flying visit [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.