July 25, 1892 Monday

July 25 MondayMoses S. Beach died in Peekskill, N.Y. N.Y. Times obituary, July 27, p.4 reported:

Moses S. Beach, who for thirty years past, or ever since its organization, has been the Treasurer of the Working Woman’s Protective Union, which has headquarters at 19 Clinton Place, died Monday night at his home in Peekskill. Mr. Beach was stricken with paralysis about a year ago and has been an invalid since. He was seventy years old at the time of his death. Mr. Beach was one of the sons of Moses Y. Beach, who was proprietor of the New-York Sun almost from its start to the time of his death in 1868. Another son is Alfred E. Beach, one of the proprietors of the Scientific American. Mr. Beach leaves a family of sons and daughters.

T. Ernest Allen for American Psychical Society wrote to Sam enclosing a prospectus for the Society and asking if he was “willing they should reprint a part of the whole of your article in Harper’s upon ‘Mental Telegraphy’”? [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.