August 9, 1892 Tuesday

August 9 Tuesday – In Bad Nauheim Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall.

…But if he should want it I think a good idea to trade with him, for his magazine is obscure & I don’t want to appear in print in the full glare of the big magazines too often…Of course Walker can take this Romance if he wants it…if he takes Puddnhead, he can’t take this too [MTP].

Note: John Brisben Walker was at this time Howell’s co-worker and editor on the Cosmopolitan.

Sam also wrote to Janet D. Ross (Mrs. William Ross), an English neighbor in Florence. He thanked her for all her “kindnesses.” After some references to quarantine trouble “on the frontier” Sam wrote:

We are packing and shall go to Frankfort Saturday, and begin telegraphing the officials on the Swiss and Italian frontiers through their Frankfort consuls. If we find we can pass without detention we shall start either next Monday or Tuesday [Aug. 15 or 16] [MTP]. Note: Susy’s Aug. 18 Frankfort letter to Louise Brownell confirms the family made such a trip.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.