August 16, 1892 Tuesday

August 16 Tuesday – The Clemens family was in Frankfort on the Main, Germany. Sam later wrote about meeting old friends here:

The Phelpses came to Frankfort & we had some great times — dinner at his hotel & the [Frank] Masons, supper at our inn — Livy not in it. She was merely allowed a glimpse, no more. Of course, Phelps said she was merely pretending to be ill; was never looking so well & fine [MTP, Sept 18 to Crane]

Ssecretary of Patriots’ League’s Prof. Edward A. Spring sent Sam a flyer of beliefs of the League, and an enrollment slip. At the top Spring wrote, “If you think our government of the people, by the people, & for the people is worth preserving, join us or suggest a better way than the proposed distribution of wealth.” The League proposed a “limited inheritance law,” thought to be a cure-all [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.