August 25, 1892 Thursday

August 25 Thursday – Sam’s notebook revealed he returned to Homburg:

Aug. 25. Came to Homburg per 12.20 tr.[ain] — distance, about 30 or 40 min. / Dined at the Kiersaal with Sir Charles Hall, to meet the Prince of Wales. 7 present. Sat at the Prince’s left. Depew at his right. Col Clark (aide) Mr. Atkins, M.P., J.L. Toole, the Comedian. All arrived & sat down on the minute named — 7.15. Much talk, many yarns, everything sociable, pleasant, no formality. Two hours delightfully spent [NB 32 TS 22].

Sam also wrote of the dinner on Sept. 2 to Orion:

…the dinner with the Prince of Wales, which was very informal, unconstrained, & enjoyable. Seven persons present, all men, men of character, ability & position, men good to know [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.