Belknap, MT

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This is the agency headquarters for the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. The Gros Ventre and the Assiniboine, who were former enemies, have lived together on the reservation since it was set aside for them in 1887. It has great cultural significance to the tribes, and petroglyphs and tipi rings can be found there. Every summer the Milk River Indian Days powwow is held in Fort Belknap.

Fort Belknap

Old Agency, Montana

Submitted by scott on

The second Indian Agency on the Blackfeet Reservation was built in 1879 at Old Agency, at the bend in the Flathead River. Agent John Young moved the buildings from Upper Badger Creek with help from the Blackfeet Indians. Both men and women dug cellars, hauled stone and mixed mortar. The women covered the exterior with lime from Heart Butte. The Indians called it "Old Ration Place" after the government began issuing rations.