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Sam and companions camped here the night of September 13, 1867. They traveled to Damascus in the morning. Mark Twain Project: Quaker City Itinerary

From Bædeker:  54 M. Sarghdyd {Zerghaya; comp. p. 368), on the watershed.
This is the highest point (4610 ft.) attained by the line in the AntiLibanus and commands a fine mountain-view. The railway descends towards the S.W. to (20 min.) — the village of Surghâya, in a verdant but confined situation.

On the spur of the hill to the E., by the village of Surghâya, some rock-tombs are visible. By the wayside, at the beginning of the ascent, is a fine wine or oil press, hewn in the rock. The tombs contain six arches with niches for the sarcophagi. Beyond the rock are slight remains of a village. Near a large oak are several other rock tombs.  (Bædeker, Route 30)

The plain of Surghaya is now before us, about 3 m. long by 1 broad; stony and only partially cultivated. Here is the watershed between the plains of Damascus and Bukâ’a. The village of Surghaya is beautifully situated at its N.E. end; the highest peaks of Antilebanon towering over it, and a sweet vale, clothed with verdure and sprinkled with trees, winding away to the N.  (Murray, Route 37)

33.800800323486, 36.150199890137

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