Scott's Bluff Station

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This site is probably near or at the old Fort Mitchell (1864-1868) site, twelve miles west of Ficklin's Springs and about two and one-half miles northwest of Mitchell Pass, near a bend of the North Platte River. Even though Mabel Loving and Roy Bloss identify Fort Mitchell as a station after Scott's Bluff, other sources generally link the two sites but differ on its function as a relay or home station. (NPS)

Chimney Rock Station

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Trail historians generally agree that Chimney Rock was a Pony Express station, however, the exact location of this site is still unclear. Two traditional sources place the station between the Chimney Rock formation and the river: one places the station at Facus Springs, nine miles northwest of Bridgeport, while the other source locates it two miles south and one mile west of Bayard, Nebraska. (NPS)

Chimney Rock was in sight for Sam and Orion in the morning of July 31.

Mud Springs Station

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The Mud Springs Station is well documented and it has been well researched by several authors. Nevertheless, its exact location is in dispute. This site is possibly located about twelve miles southeast of Bridgeport, Nebraska, in Morrill County. Sources generally agree on its identity as a home station for the C.O.C. & P.P. Express Co. James McArdle served as station keeper for the Pony Express and stage lines, which probably shared the same sod structures. Mud Springs also later served as a telegraph relay station.

Midway Station

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This supposed site is presumably on State Highway 285 and U.S. 385, about three miles south and one mile west of Gurley, Nebraska. The site does not occur in official records, but would serve as a logical place for a relay station between Pole Creek No. 3 and Mud Springs. In 1866, Margaret Carrington, an officer's wife, noted that the mail station received water from a "government well" at the site. Mrs. Francis Carrington, possibly a relative of Margaret's, mentioned this station in her diary as well.

Pole Creek No. 3 Station

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The Pole Creek No. 3 Station site was likely about three and one-half miles east of Sidney, Nebraska, in Cheyenne County. According to Mattes and Henderson, the station's log and sod dugout once stood on the north side of Lodgepole Creek, which flowed through the St. George Cattle Ranch. For a time, Rouliette and Pringle operated the site as a stage ranch, near the intersection of the old California Road and stage routes heading for the North Platte and Bridger Pass. (NPS)

Willow Island Station

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Note: Point plotted about 6 miles SE of Cozad

The Willow Island or Willow Bend Station site is most likely in Dawson County, Nebraska, approximately six miles southeast of Cozad. Sources generally agree on its identity as the Willow Island an/or Willow Bend Station. Some sources associate Pat Mullaly's Ranch with Willow Island Ranch or Station. R. C. Freeman conducted ranch operations after Mullaly.  (NPS)

Drinking stop for Richard Burton