To The Person Sitting in Darkness: Day By Day

January 6, 1903 Tuesday

January 6 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a short poem to Livy: 
Good night, sweetheart, good night— 
The stars are shining bright, 
The snow is becoming turning white, 
Dim is the failing light, 
Fast falls the glooming night,— 
All right! 
Sleep tight! 
Good-night. / Y. [MTP; Gribben 577-8].

Susan L. Crane wrote to Sam:

January 7, 1903 Wednesday

January 7 WednesdaySam’s notebook: “1 p.m. Moretti’s 151 W. 34 / Howells to Harry Harland. / 7 p.m. Home. Wright & Kelsey” [NB 46 TS 4]. Sam also added to the nine items listed on Jan. 5: “#10. June 12/02. ‘The Am. Pl. Co’ / $5,000. Endorsed twice ‘the A.P. Co’ / H.E. Wright, General Manager” [ibid. 4-5].

January 8, 1903 Thursday

January 8 ThursdaySam’s notebook : “1 p.m. Lunch to Harry Harland, by Howells; at Moretti’s, 15 W. 34th” [NB 45 TS 36]. Also: “#435. Lincoln, Dec. 4 $500, ‘making $5,500 thus paid in on sub. of $25,000. / Jan. 15, 1903 Am. Pl. Co, $9,500. # 25 / Endorsed, ‘The American Plasmon Co., R.W. Ashcroft, Treasurer.’ #30. Feb. 3 to ‘Pl. Co. of Am’ $10,000 / Endorsed ‘Cr. Plas. Co. of America’ ‘Endorsement guaranteed’ (by ‘5th Ave. Trust Co’.)” [NB 46 TS 5].

January 9, 1903 Friday

January 9 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frank Bliss.

Yes, you can send me an advance, now, of any sum you please; but three or four thousand will answer.

I was at dinner last night at Mr. Rogers’s, & he said you had nothing to fear from the Harpers: “Bliss is a straight man; if they try to make trouble with him, let him call on me & I will prove that they cannot touch him.” He thinks you should go right ahead with the scheme you spoke to me about, & not be afraid [MTP].

January 10, 1903 Saturday

January 10 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Mr. Dole (the identical language used in Jan. 9 to Hirsch) declining an invitation and citing Livy’s health [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Frederick W. Peabody.

But aren’t you going to lend me those scraps & scribblings of Mrs. Eddy’s which you offered to lend me? I find I can’t buy such things. I have tried; the Bargain Counter will not take my money—imagines it is spiritual money, but it is not.

January 11, 1903 Sunday

January 11 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam responded to Elisabeth Marbury’s Jan. 10 by writing in the bottom left corner of her letter: “quite willing but must / first know in writing if / Mr. Dillingham is willing. / Communicate with Mr D. & ask him” [MTP].

January 12, 1903 Monday

January 12, before – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to David A. Munro for the North American Review.

Private. If McCrackan appears in the March Number, the above blank should be filled with “April.” I think he is commanded from Goddlemightyburg, up there at Concord, to keep out entirely. Have you heard from him, as to his intentions? [MTP].

January 13, 1903 Tuesday

January 13 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Isabel V. Lyon. Wrote for Sam to Franklin G. Whitmore [MTP].

Mr. Clemens tells me to write you that “Mrs. Clemens says to sell the house for any thing you can get for it—”

Mrs. Clemens is making visible progress; her pulse has gone down to 87 and stays there, and Mr. Clemens sees her once a day for ten or fifteen minutes.

Jean is very much better, but is not yet allowed to sit up [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: “Dr. Rice, 6.16 train” [NB 46 TS 5].

January 14, 1903 Wednesday

January 14 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a note to Livy.

Livy dear, there’s a new effect—the sea has come ashore. Water, blown by the wind is crinkling curves & long lines, is frozen white, & a stretch of it is the slope of the grassy hill gives the aspect of a section of green sea with wimpling white-caps chasing each other over it.

I love you dearheart, I love you dearly. / Y

Rice was lovely, and (as Henry Robinson said about Charley Clark) “as funny as a frog” [LLMT 341].

January 15, 1903 Thursday

January 15 Thursday – At night in Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a note to Livy:

Ship ahoy! helm-alee! hard aport!—There, steady! let her go off a point!—luff, & bring her to the wind! I’m reading before-the-mast sailor-yarns, dearest, & am full of the salt sea & the great winds & the wonders of the deep. They couldn’t understand me at dinner, they are land-lubbers & ignorant. Sleep well, dearest of the dear—I love you [MTP].

David A. Munro wrote to Sam.

January 16, 1903 Friday

January 16 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Katharine I. Harrison.

The Plasmon Co will send you some Plasmon stock for me. That is what I had to have $10,000 for, & that is why I sold the Union Pacific pf. Do not conceal it from Mr. Rogers. He will think it an unwise investment—still, I want him to know. I shan’t conceal any of my performances from him.

January 17, 1903 Saturday

January 17 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Poultney Bigelow.

January 18, 1903 Sunday

January 18 Sunday – The New York Times, p.21, “Autographs at Auction” reported various letters sold and prices. Two of Mark Twain’s letters sold:

January 19, 1903 Monday

January 19 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to David A. Munro, editor of the North American Review to remind him that if McCrackan’s article wasn’t included in the March issue, then Sam wanted to be in it himself [MTP].

January 20, 1903 Tuesday

January 20 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to General McCook about Jean and Katy Leary arriving in Old Point Comfort, Va. on Jan 24.

Greeting & salutation to the ladies, & to you, upon whom be peace!

January 21, 1903 Wednesday

January 21 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Robert (not further identified) about a court case, unspecified.

There was a charge against me. 
One witness was called. 
That witness testified. 
That settled it. 
Counter testimony not desired. 
And not asked for. 
Case closed. Verdict rendered.

Isn’t it funny? Doesn’t it dazzle? Do you believe God could beat it for intelligence? Right offhand, I mean, & without calling in help?

January 22, 1903 Thursday

January 22 ThursdaySam’s notebook: “Why be vain of your lineage? All human beings are despicable— emperors & other slaves alike. / Man measures himself by his giants” [NB 46 TS 7].

January 23, 1903 Friday

January 23 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to Thomas Bailey Aldrich’s Jan 22.

January 24, 1903 Saturday

January 24 SaturdayHarper’s Weekly ran an anonymous article, “More from Mark Twain about Christian Science,” p.145. Tenney: “Summarizes from the current North American Review the second installment of MT’s writing on Christian Science” [38].

Sam’s notebook: “Send John to 7.11 to bring the Count? / Col & Howells / [Horiz. Line separator] / Prof. B.E. Martin & the etchings / [Horiz. Line separator] / Corpse & box of Guns” [NB 46 TS 8].

January 25, 1903 Sunday

January 25 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote two notes to Livy.

Jan. 25. / Dearest sweetheart, it is a most fine & delicate snowfall & beautiful to watch as it sifts down through the naked branches. And Blennerhasset is enjoying it—goes tearing along the high limbs like a shuttle; & carrying on most gaily. Good-morning, dearest dear heart, I love you dearly. / Y.

January 26, 1903 Monday

January 26 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a note to Livy.

January 27, 1903 Tuesday

January 27 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam responded to Harper & Brothers’ Jan. 26 inquiry:

I can’t tell very much about the Christian Science volume yet. Because of my interest in it, and of the richness and prodigality of the materials it keeps growing on my hands, and as I like the job I do not try to discourage it.

Sincerely Yours

P.S. I have several applications for this book, one with a guaranteed sale of so many copies. I like that idea, and I wish you would do some ciphering on it yourselves [MTP].

January 28, 1903 Wednesday

January 28 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Joe Twichell.

P.S. Livy had a slight backset yesterday, so the doctor has just told me he is going to shut off my daily visit for a few days & then reduce it to 8 or 10 minutes a day. It will distress her, & may have an ill effect at first, but later results will show the wisdom of it no doubt.

January 29, 1903 Thursday

January 29 Thursday – At 7:30 in N.Y.C. Sam joined a birthday party for H.H. Rogers at the Rogers home. Rogers was 63 [MTHHR 518n2].

Sam’s notebook : “Marquis Lorne, Princess Louise, Prince of Wales (Homburg), Emperor Germany, [Emperor] Russia, [Emperor] Austria” [NB 46 TS 9].

January 30, 1903 Friday

January 30 FridaySam’s notebook: “Butters, Wright & Kelsey arrive 7.11 p.m. / First visit of these thieves? / [Horiz. Line separator] / We go to the Grand Duchess’s palace to sign the visitor’s book—& what happened!” [NB 46 TS 9]. Note: Sam recalled Feb. 1898 mixup—see Feb. 3, 1898 to Twichell for the story.

Frank Bliss wrote from Hartford to Sam, enclosing a statement (not extant) and draft for $3,375.14 for royalties to Jan. 1 [MTP].

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