January 12, 1903 Monday

January 12, before – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to David A. Munro for the North American Review.

Private. If McCrackan appears in the March Number, the above blank should be filled with “April.” I think he is commanded from Goddlemightyburg, up there at Concord, to keep out entirely. Have you heard from him, as to his intentions? [MTP].

January 12 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a list of concerns to Katharine I. Harrison.

I keep forgetting. Do remind me the next time I come, to mention to Mr. Rogers two or three very important details that should go into the Harper contract.

1, that the original price of the book cannot be reduced without my consent in writing;

2, Bliss shall be allowed to add the book to his Collection after a named interval, say six months or a year;

3, that I being Bliss’s partner want the threatening letters to cease, as they injure my pocket.

Mrs. Clemens is progressing splendidly; she is buoyant and cheerful; I see her fifteen minutes every day now; I believe she will be creeping about the house before the summer comes.

Jean sits up in bed, and reads and plays games, eats well, sleeps well and has a good time. She has not looked so fresh and healthy in five years. But both lungs had hard usage‘, and the Doctor has ordered her south. We are in a condition of consternation, for Mrs. Clemens would be sure to find out she was gone, and the shock would prostrate her again. Providence is after me with a Gatling.

My watch keeps perfect time now that it is marked.

Send Lewis’s check to me the first of the month; don’t send it to Lewis it might get lost. Draw it to my order too, Lewis does not write a very good hand.

Please tell Mr. Rogers not to forget that we are to raid the families. I am ready any time

…Bliss has sent me $7,00000 and will send the rest soon [MTHHR 516-7]. Note: Jean Clemens would be sent to Old Point Comfort, Virginia for her health. The letter is in Lyon’s hand, signed by Sam.

Sam also wrote to George B. Harvey. “I shall want to see proofs of those art articles, for I want to restore the last portrait to its first intention—Mrs. Eddy” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Bliss Perry, editor of Atlantic Monthly.

We feel alike about it. I have noticed, long ago, that I was not on the free list, and the regret I felt there has continued into this day. I thank you sincerely for stopping that wound from suppurating. I am full of the pride of vocation. When I was a showman on the platform, I wouldn’t buy tickets to a theatre. As a literary person I cannot consent to wound my pride by paying for magazines. Yes, I like the appearance of that little contribution of mine very much. Please dont let the firm forget to send me Wasson’s book. I want to read again those delicious things that tasted so good in my mouth last summer [MTP]. Note: George Savary Wasson (b.1855) Cap’n Simeon’s Store (1903) collected stories which had been in various magazines [Gribben 747].

Sam also wrote to an unidentified man.

The lady—in England—who has been called to account, was not the one who told me those things in Vienna. I did not tell you she was the one; I did not mention her name in that connection; & to call her to account was unfair, & has brought upon her undeserved trouble.

You are not ignorant of the fact that the modern rules forbid one to use, to any person’s injury, matter gathered in the freedom & confidence of private conversation [MTP].

Charles J. Langdon wrote to Sam, responding to a MS Sam sent, “The Drinking and Tobacco Habits Cured” (Paine’s title; Sam wrote only “Whisky Cure” on the envelope.) Charles had studied the MS and it was “of great comfort” to him but he felt “its not simple to kill the ‘desire’ keep it out, and get an automatical action against it…a man’s environment and his physical make up make it harder or easier as the case may be” [MTP]. Note: the MS is a 24-page document published only in the MTP’s microfilm set on Twain’s writings.

David A. Munro for North American Review wrote to Sam about McCrackan doing an article for the April N.A.R., depending on whether Sam was writing one for the March issue. Munro could not make such assurances and quoted from a followup letter by McCrackan after their phone call [MTP].

Frederick W. Peabody wrote from Boston to Sam.

Sorry to have delayed sending the promised C.S. stuff. For it can’t answer your purpose to any great extent. I collected it for an especial occasion, when I had access to the C.S. Journal from the first issue.

The photo is of the real thing and should work into your scheme effectively.

I send a full copy of Mrs. Eddy’s Ad of the Metaphysical College showing a charge of $800, for the complete course of their lectures …Please return the typewritten extracts and the photo when you are through with them… [MTP].

Charles E. Carryl for Players Club sent Sam a printed notice that he’d been “dropped from the list of members for non-payment of dues” [MTP]. Sam wrote at the top: “Expelled! (by the mistake of the idiot Secretary!)”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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