January 9 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frank Bliss.
Yes, you can send me an advance, now, of any sum you please; but three or four thousand will answer.
I was at dinner last night at Mr. Rogers’s, & he said you had nothing to fear from the Harpers: “Bliss is a straight man; if they try to make trouble with him, let him call on me & I will prove that they cannot touch him.” He thinks you should go right ahead with the scheme you spoke to me about, & not be afraid [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Leon Hirsh declining an invitation and citing Livy’s health [MTP].
Sam’s notebook entry contains the following to-do list:
Take “Rejected of Men.” [see note:]
Tel for parlor seat.
“ Grosvenor (?) hotel. Carry Butters MS.
Give note & security to A—get receipt. Get names of old Pres. & Direc & officers “ “ new “ “ “
“20 Gramercy Park?
Telephone Ch. Fairchild partner? [NB 46 TS 5]. Note: Rejected of Men; A Story of To-day, by Howard Pyle (1853-1911) [Gribben 564].