Plain of Esdraelon

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Plain of Esdraelon, also called Valley of Jezreel, Hebrew ʿEmeq Yizreʿel or Ha-ʿEmeq, lowland in northern Israel, dividing the hilly areas of Galilee in the north and Samaria (in the Israeli-occupied West Bank) in the south. Esdraelon is the Greek derivation of the Hebrew Yizreʿel, meaning “God will sow” or “May God make fruitful,” an allusion to the fertility of the area.

From Bædeker:  The plain, on the outskirts of which we now stand, answers to the ancient Plain of Jezreel, Greek Esdraelon. The valley of Jezreel is properly only the low ground by the village of Jezreel, the modern Zeŕin, descending thence eastwards towards Beisân (p. 258). In a wider sense the name embraces also the plain to the W. of the Gilboa mountains, which is called the 'great plain*, or plain of Megiddo, in the Old Testament. The modern Arabic name is Merj ib n `Amir, or meadow of the son of `Amir.  This plain is triangular in form, the base running fro m Je in towards the N.W. for a distance of 24 M., while the shortest side is the eastern, extending from Jênin northwards to Iksâl. It also forms bays running up into the mountains at several places. The plain lies 250 ft.  below the sea-level, and. though marshy at places, is on the whole remarkable for its fertility. The blackish soil consists chiefly of decomposed volcanic rock. In spring, when seen from the mountains, the plain resembles a vast green lake. Cranes and storks abound here, and gazelles are sometimes seen.

Bædeker (1898) Route 23 page 262

Murray Route 22 page 351


32.596389770508, 35.241943359375

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