THE PLAIN OF ESDRAELON, the great battle-field of Palestine, on which we have now entered, requires a few words of general description before we proceed to visit the many places of interest situated upon it. The main body of the plain is an irregular triangle, its base to the E. extending from Jenîn to the foot of the mountains below Nazareth, about 15 m.; one side formed by the hills of Galilee, and measuring about 12 m.; the other—some 18 m. in length—running along the northern foot of the Samaria range. The apex is a narrow pass not more than 1/2  m. wide, opening into the plain of ’Akka. This vast expanse is open and undulating—in spring all green with corn where cultivated, and weeds and grass where neglected ; dotted with a few low gray tells, and towards the sides with olive groves. It is the ancient “ Plain of Megiddo,” the battle-field where Barak triumphed, and king Josiah received his death-wound (Jud. v.; 2 Chron. XXXV.); probably, too, it was before the mind of the Apostle John when he figuratively described the final conflict between the hosts of good and evil, who were gathered to a place “called in the Hebrew tongue Ar-Mageddon,” that is, “the city of Megiddo.”’ (Rev. xvi. 16.) The river Kishon— "that ancient river” so fatal to the army of Sisera—drains it, and flows off through the pass westward, to the plain of ’Akka and the Mediterranean. But from the base of this triangular plain three branches stretch out eastward, like fingers from a hand, divided by two bleak gray ridges—one bearing the familiar name of Mount Gilboa, where Saul and Jonathan fell ; the other called by Franks “ Little Hermon,” but by the natives Jebel ed-Duhy. The northern branch, or finger, has Tabor on the one side and Little Hermon on the other; into it the troops of Barak and Deborah defiled from the heights of Tabor (Jud. iv. 6), and on its southern side are the sites of Nain and Endor. The southern branch lies between Jenin and Gilboa, terminating in a point among the hills to the eastward. But the central branch is the richest, as well as the most celebrated ; it descends in green fertile slopes to the banks of the Jordan, having Jezreel and Shunem on each side at the western end, and Bethshean in its centre towards the E. This is the “ Valley of Jezreel”—the battle-field where Gideon triumphed, and where Saul and Jonathan were overthrown (Jud. vii.; 1 Sam. XXIX, XXxi.); and its Greek form Esdraelon has given a name to the whole plain. The modern Syrians have forgotten the name, as they have forgotten the history; and it is now known among them only as “Merj Ibu ’Amer.” Two things strike us forcibly in looking over the plain of Esdraelon, and in wandering through it. First, its wonderful richness. After the gray hills of Judah, and the rocky mountains of Ephraim, the traveller looks with admiration over this unbroken expanse of verdure. The gigantic thistles, the luxuriant grass, and the exuberance of the crops on the few spots where it is cultivated, amply prove the fertility of the soil. It was the frontier of Zebulun—“ Rejoice, O Zebulun, in thy goings out.” (Deut. xxxiiil. 18.) But it was the special portion of Issachar—‘ And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.” (Gen. Xlix. 15.) Second, its desolation. If we except its eastern branches there is not a single inhabited village on its whole surface, and not more than one-sixth of its soil is cultivated. It is the home of the wandering Bedawy, who can scour its smooth turf on his fleet mare in search of plunder; and when hard pressed can speedily remove his tents and his flocks beyond the Jordan, and beyond the reach of a weak government. It has always been insecure since history began. The old Canaanite tribes drove victoriously through it with their iron chariots (Jud. iv. 3, 7); the nomad Midianites and Amalekites ate up its rich pastures (Jud. vi. 3, 4; vii. 1); the Philistines long held it, establishing a stronghold at Bethshean (1 Sam. xxix. 1; xxxi. 10); and the Syrians on many occasions swept over it with their armies. (1 Kings xx. 26; 2 Kings xili. 17.) In its condition, thus exposed to every hasty incursion, and to every shock of war, we read the fortunes of that tribe which for the sake of its richness consented to sink into a half-nomadic state —“ Rejoice, O Issachar, in thy tents.... Issachar is a strong ass, couching down between two burdens; and he saw that Test was good, and the land that it, was pleasant ; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.” (Gen. xlix. 14, 15; Deut. Xxxilj. 18.) Once only did this tribe shake off the yoke; when under the heavy pressure of Sisera, “the chiefs of Issachar were with Deborah.” (Jud. v. 15.) Their exposed position and valuable possessions made them eager for the succession of David to the throne, as one under whose sceptre they would enjoy that peace and rest they loved. The men of Issachar were, therefore, said “to have understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;” and they united with their neighbours of Zebulon and Naphtali in sending to David presents of the richest productions of their rich country. (1 Chron. Xii. 32, 40.)