May 18, 1905 Thursday

May 18 Thursday – Sam left Boston early in the morning and traveled 64 miles to Dublin, N.H., where Katy Leary, Patrick McAleer, daughter Jean and Isabel Lyon were waiting to spend the summer with him [May 17 to Aldriches].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Today Mr. Clemens arrived.

Today the sun burst through the clouds just after the telegram came saying that he would arrive in Harrisville at 11:35.

Today the Aeolion came. Seven New England men unpacked it—such nice soft speeched gentle New England men. Something sweet about them. I like them. It was dear to see Mr. Clemens arrive today with a furtive, searching glance at things and people as he drove up to the house [MTP TS 57].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Today Mr. Clemens arrived. Jean & Patrick rode over to Harrisville to meet him. The orchestrelle came too” [MTP TS 19].

A form letter was sent from the Simplified Spelling group, Brander Matthews (Chairman) asking support for twelve simplifications suggested by Andrew Carnegie at their N.Y. conference on May 3, 1905. Though not listed in the MTP’s catalog, Sam surely received this letter. The word changes proposed: program, catalog, decalog, prolog, demagog, pedagog, tho, altho, thoro, thorofare, thru, thruout. See Brander Matthews letter of May 21.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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