June 1905

June – Century Magazine published Willis Gibson’s article, “Arkansas Fashion,” p. 276-92. Tenney: “A work of fiction which pleased MT with its many favorable references to him. The hero enjoys reading HF and has a cat named Tom Sawyer. For details see Gribben (1980), I, 257” [Tenney: “A Reference Guide Fourth Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1980 p. 174].

Sam wrote an essay, “As Concerns Interpreting the Deity,” which was not published in his lifetime. It was later collected in What Is Man? And Other Essays (1917) [Camfield’s Bibliog.]. Gribbens notes: “Mark Twain repeatedly quoted from Lives of the Twelve Caesars [by Suetonius]” in this essay.

June ca. – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to an unidentified man.

 Thank Mr. Ashcroft— / Mr. Clemens says Oh please dont get the impression that C. C. knew that I was speaking of him in this matter. C. C. being rich & lazy & a very large gun, would not thank me for interesting myself in his affairs if he knew it—& possibly it might not even win his grace to know that I wasn’t thinking of his interests at all but only of the public’s & my own. We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. H is ill—& I am sorry for Conish, which must lose the family’s society for the summer. We are well here, & comfortable & satisfied. Clara is in Norfolk Ct. & comf. & satisfied—her natural sleep is restored to her after being absent & mislaid for more than a year. She drives about with the horse she got from Italy. She has her piano & is allowed to work a little, & her voice is stronger than it was before she was stricken down. With love to you both [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.