March 1905

March – Sam’s essay, “The Czar’s Soliloquy” first ran in the Mar. issue of North American Review. It was not collected in any publication during his lifetime [Budd, Collected 2: 1009].

Katy Leary and Jean Clemens set out to inspect the Henry Copley Greene house in Dublin N.H., still “in the dead of winter.” With no hotel in Dublin the pair froze for a “nine or ten miles” to reach the Thayer’s home, where they were thawed by a huge fire. The next day they discovered the only way to see the Copley house was to use skis over ten-foot snowdrifts. Jean, ever active, thought it no problem, while Katy accomplished the “terrible task.” The house was suitable for summer [Lawton 248-50; Lystra 45-6].

Sam’s Jan. 28, 1905 letter to Michael Monahan was published by The Society of Papyrites (vol. 4, no. 3) [Gribben 525].

Sometime in the first half of March, Sam wrote from 21 Fifth Ave., in N.Y.C. to Louise W. Carnegie.

Dear Mrs. Carnegie: / This which I enclose is from my Highland lassie (aged about 30 & highly educated & accomplished) who is the best letter-writer now alive, I think. I have corresponded with her for 3 years, but I never saw her till she arrived on her first visit to America 2 or 3 weeks ago. She was not a disappointment—just the reverse. She returns home soon—but it ought not to be allowed. She is not merely a lady by birth & breeding, she is a lady inside. Capable stock; the male part of her family are civil & military officers in India & South Africa. Two & a half years ago she wanted to be companion to Mrs. Clemens or governess to my daughters, or both. But we hadn’t an extra room, nor a vacancy, except in the purse.

When she dined with us & spent the evening she said nothing about governessing, but I hope you need her, therefore I am writing this note privately on my own motion. There’s no harm if nothing comes of it.

I am still in bed, & expect to stay there till the whisky runs out, for I read, smoke, write, & am very comfortable & seldom sober.

As soon as I get out I am coming up to call [MTP]. Note: the “lassie” was Muriel M. Pears who came to New York and stayed at the Brevoort House next door on Feb. 17 (see Lyon’s journal that date); the enclosure is missing; this letter to Louise Carnegie, which refers to the Feb. 17 visit as “two or three weeks ago” places this letter to the first half of March, 1905.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.