June 12, 1906 Tuesday

June 12 Tuesday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam wrote to Samuel S. McClure. “Just please call on Mr. Rogers & talk your ideas to him about everything. The idea of syndicating those books seems to me a good one & I dont see that it could be objectionable to the publishers at all” [MTP].

Clemens’ A.D. this day included: The San Francisco earthquake—Mme. Sembrich’s experience—The strange absence of fear shown by all who were shaken up by the earthquake —Clemens speaks of the great San Francisco earthquake which occurred when he was living there—He learns through Richard Williams of the safety of Steve and Jim Gillis [MTP: Autodict2].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Jean 11:30 violent; 4:20

I have to sleep on Bromidia.

The loneliness here this year is enough to do one a damage, and the loneliness is not because one is alone, either.

Gerome came in for tea this afternoon and told me of [illegible word] part of his recent life. What a dear impressionable & beautiful young creature he is. He has not been able to draw much of late, his eyes have troubled him, & so his active young mind has been running along in the producing of plays. He gave me a synopsis of one, which has a pretty invention, with enough of the impossible in it to make it quite taking, I should think.

Mr. Clemens slept a good part of the afternoon & came down with his auto.-ms. to read, but he didn’t’ read it. Gerome was here & then came dinner & then a visit to Jean, & then he went to bed again, tired out [MTP TS 81-81]. Note: Gerome Brush.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.