March 1907

March – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Osip I. Feldman, hypnotist. “This bust is better than the original. At least it seems so to me; & it also seemed so at the time that the gifted artist made it 9 years ago in Vienna. I am glad to see it again [MTP: Levidova, Mark Twain: A Bibliographic Catalog of Russian Translations, etc.1974 p.133]. Note: At least two busts of Twain were made in Vienna: by Theresa Ries in Dec. 1897 and by Ernest Hegenbarth in Jan. 1898.

Sam also inscribed a copy of CS to Dr. Robert H. Halsey: “To Dr. Halsey with the Kindest regards of the Author. March 1907.” [MTP].  

Sam also inscribed a copy of CS to Franklin G. Whitmore: “To / Brer Whitmo’ / with the warmest regards of / Mark Twain / March/07.” [MTP].  

Current Literature ran an anonymous article, “Are We Standing at the Birth of a Great Religion?” p.321-4. Tenney: “In part a descriptive review of MT’s CS, but chiefly devoted to a broader treatment of the topic, giving background on Mary Baker Eddy and newspaper discussion of her work [42].

March – May? – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Leonard Henslowe. “I am shut up with illness; but even if I were well I would not be interviewed by any but an enemy, & I am sure I do not take you for that” [MTP]. Note: Henslowe’s incoming not extant.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.