October 1907

October – Possibly this month Sam wrote a poem to Mary B. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers, Jr.) [MTP].


Any Kind: New; Old; Salted; Unsalted;


Odorless; Fragrant; Real preferred, but Oleomargarine not turned away.
Apply at the old stand, 21 Fifth av., at the Sign of the Butterfly.
___ ___ ___ ___

O Anisodactylous was his name,
And dactylous was his nature morals
Holopothal his moral daily constant state
And given over to Diversified by quarrals
O Anisodactylous was his name,
And dactylous his morals,
Holopothal his constant state,
Diversified by quarrels.

To be continued by the Shah-in-Shah (Anglice, the Pal of Pals) at her convenience

P. S. I seem to be always asking favors of you—still I have to ask one more: Won’t you please try Mr. Paine’s Christian Scientist? He cured Paine’s agonizing headaches permanently, after years of torture. He has helped some kind of ailment of Clara’s, & has greatly modified Miss Lyon’s chronic & dreadful headaches—not personally, but through Paine. He will do you no harm, Mariechen, if he does you no good. You may gain, & you can’t lose. Will you try him? Say you will. Put aside prejudice—prejudice is nobody’s sure friend.  

P. P. S. That same man restored John Howells to good & sound health when he had long been a wreck & just of museum of pestilent-maladies. John doesn’t like this to be known, but he confesses the truth of it. / Monday, 10.50 a.m. …[MTP].

Sam also inscribed in a copy of Eve’s Diary to an unidentified person: “Let us save the to- morrows for work. {Adam.} / Truly yours / Mark Twain / October 1907.” [MTP].

Chapters from “My Autobiography—XXIII” ran in the N.A.R. p.161-73.

Paine writes about Sam’s new friendship with Martin Wiley Littleton and billiards, which he and Littleton played often after their return from the Sept. 23 Jamestown celebration for Robert Fulton.

So it happened, somewhat later, when every one was back in town, Mr. and Mrs. Littleton frequently came over for billiards, and the games became three-handed with an audience—very pleasant games played in that way. Clemens sometimes set himself up as umpire, and became critic and gave advice, while Littleton and I played. He had a favorite shot that he frequently used himself and was always wanting us to try, which was to drive the ball to the cushion at the beginning of the shot. He played it with a good deal of success, and achieved unexpected results with it. He was even inspired to write a poem on the subject.


When all your days are dark with doubt,
And dying hope is at its worst;
When all life’s balls are scattered wide,
With not a shot in sight, to left or right,
Don’t give it up;
Advance your cue and shut your eyes,
And take the cushion first.

The Harry Thaw trial was in progress just then, and Littleton was Thaw’s chief attorney. It was most interesting to hear from him direct the day’s proceedings and his views of the situation and of Thaw [MTB 1406-7]. Note: Mrs. Littleton was Maud W. Littleton. The Harry Thaw trial was the “Trial of the Century.” See Aug. 15, 1905, Mar. 23 and Oct. 15, 1907.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.