May 1907

May – Edward A. Kimball’s article, “Mark Twain, Mrs. Eddy, and Christian Science,” ran in Cosmopolitan, p. 35-41. Tenney: “A reply to MT’s Christian Science by ‘a prominent Christian Science author’” [44].

Simboli Raffaele’s article, “Mark Twain and his Double,” ran in the Ladies’ Home Journal, p.59. Tenney: “While living in Florence MT was often mistaken for Professor Borzi (later director of the Botanical Gardens at Palermo). In turn, when Borzi visited Sweden and Norway in 1899 he was widely mistaken for MT and ‘even Ibsen fell into the error and came to call on me,’ said Borzi” [44]. See 1906 year entry.

Ralph W. Ashcroft sent a telegram to Miss Lyon, c/o Sam, Tuxedo Park. “SAILING FOR NEW BEDFORD PRESENTLY WE INSPECTED GIANT LUSITANIA THIS AFTERNOON” [MTP]. Note in file: “Probably late May 1907 / Ashcroft accompanied SLC to London –Oxford trip. They sailed on Minneapolis 8 June 1907”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.