April 1898

April – Overland Monthly p.378-80 ran an anonymous review, Following the Equator in Zigzag: Tenney: “A review, using abundant quotation to illustrate an estimate of Following the Equator as ‘a happy and interesting jumble…a traveler’s miscellany’” [27]. Note: this and many other reviews will be found in Budd’s 1999 Mark Twain: The Contemporary Reviews.

Theodore De Laguna’s article, “Mark Twain as a Prospective Classic,” ran in Overland Monthy p.364-67: Tenney: “Praises MT as a story-teller rather than novelist, his style ‘historically…of infinite import. Aesthetically, it has been seriously undervalued. Quite unpretentious, it is none the less admirably adapted to its content.’ Summarized in ‘Mark Twain as a Word-Painter,’ Literary Digest (New York), XVI (May 28), 642” [27].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.