Submitted by scott on

October 4 Wednesday – In the a.m. in London, England, the Clemens family inspected various housing possibilities, and found one they liked that would be available in about ten days. Evidently they didn’t find the accommodations at Queen Anne Residential Mansions & hotel suitable; [Oct. 4 to MacAlister]. Note: The family needed to be close to Henrick Kellgren’s facility, since Jean needed daily sessions there. They settled on 30 Wellington Court, Albert Gate.

Sam began a letter to H.H. Rogers that he finished on Oct. 5.

Yours of Sept. 22 [not extant] has arrived, and was very welcome, for I did not know but that you were ill. I am sorry your mother is not well, and glad you have her in your own house where she can have your personal care. I often think of her, and I beg to be remembered to her, with my sincerest regards and homage. You can assure her that I consider myself quite competent to defend Satan, for I have known him ever since I was a boy, and have transacted much business with him. I think I am his pet—though I know this sounds like bragging.

I am glad you settled that copyright business—I think, myself, that the Harpers had no stake in it.

It was pretty dull for the madam at Sanna, but not for me: I was at work. It was a nice quiet place for scribbling.

We arrive from Sweden Saturday, but found the birds flown—Miss Mai and Harry. I feared it, for I had written Miss Mai from Sanna in answer to her letter…Harry was afraid to wait for me.

As I am deep in work and shan’t want to be disturbed, I am planning to keep out of society and out of the newspapers. I am the burnt child—I don’t want to get into the society-fire any more.

To-day you are out in the yacht viewing the first great cup-race. By gracious, I should like to be along!  MTHHR 411-3].

Note: for “the copyright business” see n. 1 of source and also Bliss’ Sept. 15 to Sam. The “cup-race” was the America’s Cup competition held off Sandy Hook, N.J. As for Sam’s “burnt child” remark, some authorities conclude his reticence to speak in public during this period resulted in anger at Britain’s actions leading to the Boer War, which started Oct. 11. However, if this were true, it seems likely he would confide it to Rogers.

Sam also replied to an invitation (not extant) by John Y. MacAlister in London:

“Nein, mein Herr! I’m keeping out of newspapers & out of places where one may get into print—for the next six months. Then I am expecting to want a holiday from work, & if there’s any Savage nights going I shall want to have a chance.”

Sam disclosed the family was still searching for permanent lodgings and found a place they might get in ten days. In the meantime he requested “a 2-hour smoke some night” at MacAlister’s when there was only family there or at his rooms.

“I have come back in sound condition & braced for work—a long, steady, faithful siege of it—& I begin now, in five minutes!” [MTP].

This was the evening that Sam invited H.F. Gordon Forbes to join him at 8:30 for some discussion on the S. Africa situation, and the Valentine Baker matter (see Sept. 15 to Forbes) [Oct. 1 to Forbes].

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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