April 13, 1870 Wednesday 

April 13 Wednesday – In Buffalo, Sam wrote to his brother Orion, who had asked if Sam could write him a letter of introduction to a Mr. Webster of the Republican [St. Louis?]. Sam could not remember the man. He also arranged to give Orion a credit at a St. Louis book dealer.

I keep money on deposit with Dan Slote all the time, in New York, & have just written him to write John Daly (of Daly & Boas, Blank Books, Main st. St. Louis,) to honor my order on them in your favor for $100. Dan will write them to-morrow [missing words]

Who is Mr. Webster of the Republican? If I knew him I would introduce you but I cannot very well take that liberty with a stranger. Who is he?

I may possibly know him, but cannot “place him” just now. As you want to get a patent, would it not be better for you to have one of [rest is missing; MTP, drop-in letters]. Note: The above letter claims that Sam also wrote to Dan Slote on this day; letter is lost.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.