August 3, 1877 Friday 

August 3 Friday  Sam had returned to Elmira, where he wrote George Bentley, publisher of Temple Bar, enclosing the first of the series of four articles of the Bermuda travelogue for simultaneous publication. If Bentley did not want the articles, Sam asked that they might be sent to Andrew Chatto for “one of his two magazines…” [MTLE 2: 117].

Sam telegraphed Augustin Daly, suggesting an addition to a scene (ending of the 2nd act?; see Parsloe’s Aug. 5) in Ah Sin [MTLE 2: 118].

Sam also wrote to Howells about sending one of the proofs of the Bermuda travelogue to Bentley in London. In his opinion the Ah Sin opening was better received than the Gilded Age play had been. Sam asked Howells if he would print a disclaimer of a misquote that had appeared in some newspapers to the effect that Sam felt the New York newspaper criticisms weren’t just. Sam had never said such a thing, and believed the opposite, so would Howells print a suggested paragraph? Sam took another swipe at Harte, claiming again that many plagiarisms in the play had to be cut [MTLE 2: 119-20].

Sam also wrote two notes to Charles Perkins about financial matters and deposits from the new play. Sam stipulated that Harte was not to receive any funds until the loans made him were repaid [MTLE 2: 121-2].

William Jermyn Florence, stage name for Bernard Conlen, leading American comic actor, specialty being dialect roles, wrote to Sam. “Have read the play—the idea of The Old Detective is a capital one, but the balance of the characters are ‘sketchy’ ” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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