August 25, 1877 Saturday

August 25 Saturday – Maze Edwards  & Charles T. Parsloe wrote to Sam about Ah Sin business, enclosing a contract of this date between Clemens, Edwards and Parsloe. Edwards also wrote: “The item you speak of did appear in all the New York papers, and Mr. Fiske was the instigator of it. He now endeavors to evade it by saying it was Bret Harte who said such an event would take place. Parsloe informs me he has agreed with you for my services. I herewith enclose copies of Agreement, signed by myself and Parsloe, which if satisfactory, please sign and return to me. / Business is quiet / Very truly &c…” [MTP]. Note: Stephen Fiske

The Aug. 25 contract between Maze Edwards Charles Parsloe, and Clemens, as Edwards an agent for Ah Sin at $40 per week to go on the road with the play and furnish accounts to the authors [Duckett 157]. Note: an agreement is in the MTP file for Aug. 25 specifies that Edwards would furnish “his services for the transactions of all business connected with the performances” of the play from Sept. 1, 1877 to Dec. 22 [MTP].

Sam replied with $50 check to the Aug. 24 of Charles T. Parsloe, letter not extant but referred to in Parsloe’s Aug. 28 reply.

Sol Smith Russell wrote to Sam: “Both Mr Daly & Harry Wall have spoken to me of your new play “Clues” Mr Daly thinking the star part will suit me advised this letter. / I shall be please, indeed to hear from you concerning this piece” [MTP]. Note: Horace (Harry) Wall, theatrical agent. Simon Wheeler, Detective.

Sam replied to Sol Smith Russell, letter not extant but referred to in Russell’s Aug. 28 reply.

H.W. Bergen wrote to ask Clemens for an extra $20 since Perkins was on vacation and the “fare alone” for the long trip was $27 or $29 [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env “Bergen / Sent $20 / Aug 26/77”

** Frank Fuller wrote to Woodruff Iron Works and sent Sam a copy that enclosed $250 [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env “Bowers—Woodruff Aug. 77”; in MTP File: “See 4 Oct 1877 letter from Fuller with enclosure of 3 Oct letter from Woodruff replying to 25 Aug letter.”

August 25 and 27 Monday  Sam wrote from Elmira to Dr. John Brown in Edinburgh, Scotland, about the thrilling rescue made by John T. Lewis on Aug. 23 [MTLE 2: 135-9].

It has been known, during some years, that it was Lewis’s purpose to buy a thirty-dollar silver watch some day, if he ever got where he could afford it. Today Ida has given him a new sumptuous gold Swiss stem-winding stopwatch; & if any scoffer shall say “Behold this thing is out of character,” there is an inscription within, which will silence him; for it will teach him that this wearer aggrandizes the watch, not the watch the wearer [MTLE 2: 138].

The Cranes forgave Lewis his indebtedness of some $700. Charles Langdon gave Lewis the watch [Willis 112]. Sam called Lewis “our great black hero,” and became a life-long friend. Lewis certainly influenced the character of Jim in Huckleberry Finn.

Also on these same two days, Sam wrote to William Dean and Elinor Howells, telling them essentially the same account of the rescue he’d written to Dr. John Brown. Sam expressed the wish that the Cranes did not wish the story to appear in the newspapers, and he knew that the Howellses could keep it in confidence [MTLE 2: 140-4].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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