April 2, 1880 Friday

April 2 Friday – In his letter of Apr. 4 to Orion, Sam wrote:

“I read before a large audience here, Friday night, but not until all the newspaper men had sworn that they would say not a single word about it, either before or after the performance” [MTLE 5: 65].

Sam gave a reading, likely from his new book, A Tramp Abroad. He referred to this reading, given at Twichell’s church in his Apr. 23 letter to Boyesen. (See Apr. 23 entry.)

Orion Clemens wrote from Keokuk to Sam. “I am very sorry I did anything to interrupt you in your work. I have stopped on my writing, not from anger, for it was not reasonable to ask you to direct your mind every day from your work.” He thought his writing was dull, “a fatal fault”. Orion asked for $1,500 to go to Silver Cliff, Colo. with Charley Higham who offered to show him mining. He’d also asked Ma for $50 to go to Chicago to find work [MTP].

April 2? Friday – Sam wrote invitations to the Monday Evening Club announcing a meeting at his home for Apr. 5, adding the subject, “On the Decay of the Art of Lying” [MTLE 5: 62].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.