April 8, 1880 Thursday

April 8 Thursday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles H. Phelps, editor of the Californian, in San Francisco. Sam inquired about a quote in the April issue of the magazine. Who was the “album-owner,” he asked. Was it “Charley Stoddard?” [MTLE 5: 66].

Sam also wrote to an unidentified person he addressed as “My Dear ‘Jo’— ” saying he’d ordered the Tramp book to be sent and to “Give old Bob my love” [67]. Note: Sam often wrote Joe as “Jo.”; Possibly this was to Joe Goodman, referring to Robert Howland.

Orion Clemens wrote from Keokuk to Sam, promising not to put anything on exhibition as they knew how he felt about privacy. The book TA had come and he praised it. He was still struggling with his writing [MTP].

James Redpath wrote to Sam (only the envelope survives) [MTP]. Note: likely a follow up to his Apr. 6 asking for an interview.

Laura M. Griffing wrote from Rochester, NY to send Sam a copy of his Chicago “Babies” speech, edited into poetry [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “O the devil!”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.