October 23, 1880 Saturday

October 23 Saturday – Sylvester Baxter came to visit Sam [MTLE 5: 183], who then wrote from Hartford to Frank Bliss, introducing Baxter, the young reporter from the Boston Herald; Baxter had interviewed him recently. Baxter wanted to know “all about the subscription book business” and Sam vowed that Bliss could “speak freely to him, for he will not print anything you do not want exposed” [180].

The Hartford Courant ran Sam’s plug for the upcoming “Grand Republican Rally” to be held on Oct. 26 [Courant.com].

Arnold, Constable & Co. of New York invoiced Sam for $5.50, the article illegible on the bill, paid Oct. 28. It’s possible that this was purchased before Sam and Livy left the city for home, or was invoiced the following day [MTP].

George Gebbie wrote from Phila. to Sam, heading it “accompany proof of 3 portraits.” “Dear Sir, We are at cross purposes and ‘tis my fault.” He then discussed plates purchased in Glasgow, followed by other plans. He closed with “No! in your Encyclopedia you will readily understand that we could not afford three humorists to a steel” [MTP]. Note: evidently, Sam had suggested a portrait of three humorists already made.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.