October 29, 1880 Friday

October 29 Friday – The Hartford Courant, in a page two article titled “German Republican Meeting,” reported that President Edmund Maerklein presided at the meeting. Judge Sherman Adams spoke in German; Mr. George H. Woods spoke in English; and “the principal speaker of the evening was Mark Twain, who made a capital speech in German, interspersed with American, which was received with great favor, eliciting frequent demonstrations of approva1.” Sam gave a similar talk at the Anglo-American Club of Students, Heidelberg on July 4, 1878 (See entry).

The Oct. 31 bill from Western Union shows a telegram sent to New York, recipient unspecified.

George Gebbie wrote from Phila. to Clemens having rec’d his of the 27th (not extant). He thanked Sam for his portrait and the “kindly reference to my pet ‘Encyclopedia” of Humor…As regards to the grouping, as I have gone into the trinity business (3 on a plate) I cannot well alter it in the present case but would the genial…Oliver Wendell Holmes suit instead of the ‘disagreable party’?” (unspecified) [MTP].

C.F. Cobb (“Squid”) wrote from Wash. D.C. to thank Clemens for his “note of the 27th” and explaining about several sketches sent. His son died a few months back and one sketch was written that day [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “From one whose nom e plume is ‘Squid’ ”.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.