November 9, 1880 Tuesday

November 9 Tuesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Edward House, who had confided what General Grant had thought about some matter. Sam was gratified that he was not offended and didn’t care “sixpence for other people’s opinions.” House accompanied Grant and Sam from Boston to Hartford on Oct. 16 for a Republican rally. Sam wrote that he was expecting a visit from the Houses [MTLE 5: 194].

The November bill from Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Co. shows a telegram sent to New York (Conway?, see Dec. 1 entry for others).

Sam also wrote to Henry Clay Lukens (Erratic Enrique) (1838-1900), associate editor of the New York Daily News and a member of the New York Press Club, declining an invitation for a reception given to Thurlow Weed (1797-1882) a New York political boss and sometimes editor [195].

J.B. Thorn wrote from McGraw, Pa. a fan letter to beg a copy of TA with his inscription [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “No, Sir.”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.