November 19, 1880 Friday

November 19 Friday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Mary Mapes Dodge (1831-1905), editor of the children’s St. Nicholas Magazine, explaining that publishing Prince and the Pauper in her magazine would lose “30 or 40,000” sales. Sam added:

“…for Mrs. Clemens & Mrs. Warner have decided that this particular Tale comes under the sort which St. Nicholas ‘must have’—a verdict which makes up for all the dispraise which they have lavished upon some of my other ‘works’ ” [MTP]. Note: Dodge is best known for her novel, Hans Brinker, or, The Silver Skates (1865).

Waldstein Optician of New York invoiced 1 pair eyeglasses to Sam for $15.75. These were likely for Livy [MTP]. Note: Since Clara Spaulding signed Livy’s visitor’s book on Nov. 16, and Sam was in Hartford during this period, it’s possible that Livy and Clara visited New York for a few days. This would also explain the Nov. 17 invoice for ladies’ undergarments.

The November bill from Western Union shows a telegram sent to New York, recipient unspecified, but this may be from Sam to Livy/Clara (see Nov. 30 entry).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.