May 29, 1882 Monday

May 29 Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to his mother, Jane Clemens, who was contemplating a trip from Fredonia to Keokuk to see Orion and Mollie. After commenting on his mother writing to an “old gentleman” and criticizing a “young man who prints the paper,” Sam encouraged her to travel part way by water for her comfort; he wanted to pay the cost [MTBus 186].

Sam also wrote to Charles Webster, sending him the name of one “Mr. Dennison” in the lithography business for Webster to perhaps hire:

“Enclosed is a name given me by my old friend Ned Bunce, Cashier of the Phenix Bank, here” [MTP].

Sam also typed a letter to Chatto & Windus, acknowledging receipt of their note for £1,590 & 1s, and that their suggestion to stimulate demand for P&P seemed “wise and reasonable.” Sam informed them that Osgood & Co., was poised to publish the first of June [MTP].

Charles H. Wells for Assoc. Press wrote to ask for an autograph prefaced by a sentiment; SASE [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “From some low-bred & unrefined son of a bitch in Pennsylvania”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.