April 29, 1881 Friday

April 29 Friday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles Webster.

This is to confirm to you the complete authority over Kaolatype & its concerns already vested in you. You will take entire control of the property & employes of the Company; you will hire whom you please, discharge whom you please; all moneys received & disbursed must pass through your hands, & you will be held responsible. No money of the Company is to be paid out in any circumstances without your distinct authority [MTBus 152].

Sam also wrote to John Russell Young extolling the virtues of a certain typesetting machine:

“They have been building it & improving it & tinkering at it for several years at Colt’s factory, & have finally got it right. I never saw such an inspired bugger of a machine…A man who owns a newspaper can’t look at this creature unmoved” [MTP]. Note: Sam would be “moved” out of $200,000.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.