April 8, 1881 Friday

April 8 Friday – Sam wrote two letters from Hartford to Frank Bliss, the first receipting a royalty check for $630.56 for the sale of “old books” which Sam felt was “Very good, indeed, in spite of the weather.” The second note asked for a cloth Tramp book to be sent to H. L. Joachimsen [MTP]. Note: Joachimsen had sent several district census figures to Orion back in July 1863 and in 1899 would be a prosecuting attorney in San Francisco.

Sam also wrote to the US Post Office Department, Wash. D.C. letter not extant but referred to in a reply by Thomas L. James, Postmaster General on Apr. 15. Sam enclosed Hinckley’s letter and clippings. See entry.

John Russell Young wrote from NYC to Sam having rec’d a letter from Gen. Grant in Galveston. “He was about to sail.—He will undoubtedly write you on the Li matter.—I do not want to write Li [Hung Chang] until I see the General’s letter as it is important that the [illegible word] shall be in time” [MTP]. Note: Chinese mission students.

Sam also replied to John Russell Young, “The General [Grant] was up to time, with military promptness.” Sam had rushed Grant’s letter to Yung Wing (about saving Hartford’s Chinese Mission) and requested Wing send a copy to Young. “(Damn such a pen as this)” [MTP].

West Hartford Ice & Pressed Brick Co. billed Sam $16.95 for Jan. 2,100 lbs, Feb. 2,205 lbs, Mar. 2,475 lbs: total 6,780 lbs @ 25 cents per [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.