April 15, 1881 Friday

April 15 Friday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Frank Bliss. Sam had lost Hinckley’s address and asked Bliss to:

“…drop Hinckley a line & say the Postmaster General has responded favorably…therefore he can notify that fellow to retire from the pirate-book trade” [MTP]. See insert.

Sam also wrote a short note to A.G. Newman agreeing to a date that he would help Newman “advertise your burglar alarm” [MTP]. Note: this was drafted on the back of Solomon’s Apr. 4 note.

Western Union Telegraph Co. bill of Apr. 30 shows telegram sent this date to New York, recipient not specified (see that entry for others).

Thomas L. James (1831-1916) Postmaster General wrote from Wash. D.C. to reply to Sam’s of Apr. 8, not extant, Hinckley Apr. 4 enclosed to return.

Dear Sir: / I duly received your favor of the 8th inst. with its enclosure, respecting the transmission through our mails of Canadian re-prints of American books, published in that country in violation of copyrights granted by the United States, and in reply would say, that having referred to the Assistant Attorney General for this Department the question whether such re-prints of American books are entitled to circulation in the mails of the United States, that officer has advised me that under the provision of the Act of March 3, 1879, Sec. 15, 20 Statutes, page 359, a publication which violates any copyright granted by the United States is non-mailable.

      I have accordingly made an order amending the regulations of this Department by including in the classification of unmailable matter “any publication which violates any copyright…” [MTP]. Note: enclosed clipping in the 15 Apr letter file announces an order by the postmaster general “declaring all publications issued in violation of copyrights granted by the United States unmailable matter”—see insert

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.