December 1881

December – The Prince and the Pauper was published in Germany by Tauchnitz [MTNJ 2: 382n77]. The book was reviewed by Hjalmar Boyesen in the December issue of the Atlantic. The review was titled “Mark Twain’s New Departure.” Boyesen called it “…a tale ingenious in conception, pure and humane in purpose, artistic in method, and, with barely a flaw, refined in execution” [Wells, 23; see Everett Emerson’s Afterword, Oxford Mark Twain, P&P for other reviews of the book].

Also, Sam noted a fictional account of the Mormons by Mrs. Cornelia PaddockThe Fate of Madame La Tour [MTNJ 2: 416;Gribben 521].

Sam inscribed a copy of P&P to Matthew H. Bartlett: To Mr. M.H. Bartlett, Avon, Conn, with the compliments and regards of the author. Hartford, Dec. 1881. Also inscribed, “Mark Twain. Jan. 21, 1909 inside the front cover [MTP].

Sam inscribed a copy of P&P to “Mrs. Jane Clemens, / Fredonia, N.Y. / With the best love of her son/ The Author / Hartford, Dec. 1881 [MTP].

Sam’s notebook includes: “Rollo & his Uncle Visit the Hotels. Makes sketch of it” [2: 415]. NoteLivy read Jacob Astor’s “Rollo Series” to the children and this entry suggests Sam was thinking of a burlesque of Astor’s work, which was heavily moralistic.

Moncure Conway wrote a spoof in olde English of a family who stole P&P from each other [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.