June 12, 1882 Monday

June 12 Monday – Sam wrote a short note from Hartford to Charles Webster, advising him to send the “Bank Note Certif.,” so he might put it in the safe with his other securities. “I need no more investments, now—bought a lot of Adams Express stock to-day & exhausted our pile” [MTP].

Two copies of The Stolen White Elephant were placed with the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress [Hirst, “A Note on the Text” Oxford edition, 1996].

June 1215 Thursday – Sometime during this period, Sam and Livy traveled to Boston for a quick visit with the Howells and their close neighbors, the Fairchilds. In a letter of May 30, Howells had urged them to come for a visit “next Wednesday” or June 7, but with Clara’s large planned birthday celebration on June 8, it’s likely the trip was put off a few days, and this period was the only open one before Sam’s June 16 letter remarking of Livy’s “strong liking” for Colonel Fairchild [MTHL 1: 405]. See June 20 letter to Howells.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.