March 11, 1887 Friday

March 11 Friday – Frank M. Scott, cashier and bookkeeper for Webster & Co., was arrested for embezzling $20,000. He had been siphoning off funds each month since his hire in July 1885. From the N.Y. Times of Mar. 13, 1887, p.2 (See Mar. 18 entry for more details.)



The people of Roseville, a suburb of Newark, were thrown into amazement yesterday over the arrest of Frank M. Scott, who lies in the Essex County Jail, charged with embezzling $20,000 from the publishing firm of Charles L. Webster & Co., of this city. … A week or so ago he was taken ill. Webster & Co. thought his accounts would stand scrutiny. Such examination as they could give led them to employ James T. Anyon, an expert accountant, to go over Scott’s books. He reported falsification of accounts and a deficiency of $20,238.81. …

On Friday Scott came out of his house for the first time in several days to go with his wife and look at the new house he is building. The detectives arrested him on a capias [legal writ] from Supreme Court Commissioner Romaine. … His wife has full faith in his innocence. Scott says he came honestly by every dollar he has spent in two years, and can prove it. People who shake their heads over his arrest express the deepest sympathy for his wife and their three bright children.

Augustin Daly wrote to Sam inviting him to his Fifth Ave. Theatre for the 100th performance of Taming of the Shrew on Apr. 13 [MTNJ 3: 282n192].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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